Meeting of the Library Board's Ad-hoc Committee on the Chapin Memorial Library.
Chapin Memorial Library Ad Hoc Committee Agenda
Date: 3-4-2025 Time: 4:30-6:00 pm
Location: Boone Co. Library Main Branch, Burlington
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of the agenda
III. Approval of the minutes
IV. Old Business
A. Roberts Rules followed for making motions, voting for and passing motions
B. Ad Hoc Committee officers: Chair and Secretary; additional officers will be
appointed by chair as needed
C. Future meetings: March 18 and 24; 4:30-6:00; Main Branch Conference Room
D. Established partnership of BCPL, Petersburg Community, and Boone County
E. Discussion regarding purpose of committee
V. New Business
A. Current status of Chapin Memorial Library
B. Selection of a consultant
C. Strategic framework for Chapin Memorial Library’s direction (discussion of and
outline for specific sections of the RFP)
D. Define short-term and long-term goals to address evolving needs of the
Petersburg community
E. Decide which needs can be solved by the community
F. Decide which needs can be addressed by Boone County
G. Decide which needs can be addressed by BCPL
H. Report findings and/or recommendations to the BCPL Board of Trustees within
six months
VI Adjourment